"Walking Dog" is a poignant exploration of alienation set against an urban backdrop of decay, focusing on a woman and her dog navigating the complexity of dependence and rebellion. The narrative unfolds as the woman's routine walk with her dog in an industrial wasteland becomes a transformative journey. When the dog slips the leash and escapes, the woman's search for her pet evolves into an introspective quest challenging personal and societal constraints. This film captures the struggle against the confines of an oppressive environment, reflecting on identity and freedom through the lens of their relationship. "Walking Dog" is a visual and thematic meditation on breaking free from invisible chains, highlighting the silent battle for autonomy and self-discovery. Writer/Director/Editor/Colourist
Silent in a dystopian city swallowed by night, Luna, a luminous pariah, finds an odd job as a night light. When her radiant kind face commodification, she risks all to protect their brilliance. A wordless tale of resilience, sacrifice, and light's triumph over darkness. In this cinematic journey, Luna's narrative embodies a utopian upheaval, depicting isolation, rebellion, and self-discovery. Positioned opposite in society, she grapples with a newfound identity amidst rejection, mirroring a faction often overlooked in our modern world. The luminescent skin, once advantageous, becomes a symbol of alienation. Are these individuals survivors or martyrs? Their struggle, veiled from society, forms an authentic yet fragmented community. Under the night's veil, the luminous beings stand as the sole source of light, offering a canvas to experiment with revelation. Luna's radiant essence becomes our beacon through the unknown abyss, evoking a sense of disquiet, loss, and estrang...